When women gather. magic happens!

Sacred sister gathering

an inclusive place, where all women are held as equal, a space of co-creation and liberation.

A tribe brought together in kindness, courage, forgiveness, radical acceptance and love at the heart of everything we do.


  • Online Connection

    When you cannot gather in person, there are many ways you can be with us online. Regular circles, our year long program, various events. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, YOU are never alone!

  • Gatherings

    Gather with us in person each year, in the Spring and Autumn, in co-creation for the love of our community. Sing, dance, create, be in ceremony, eat, relax, come and find how it is to just “BE” and to not always “DO”.

  • Around the fire

    In person circles held around the country, where sisters gather to deeply listen, honour, support, encourage and empower each other, connecting with the tribe, and the world around us. Learning how to hold circle and share with others.

  • Shine with us

    Our year long program of weekly circles, mentoring, healing, changing, shifting, loving yourself enough, owning your awesome, and truly stepping up to say YES to YOU and YES to LIFE

Our Founding Values.

  • We are a space of inclusivity and community.

  • We create no harm to our planet and all beings.

  • We hold a safe container for all.

  • We regenerate the earth and respect her at all times.

  • We recycle, reuse, regenerate.

  • We attain a space of love for all.

  • We co-create and collaborate at all times.

  • We give back and pay it forward.

  • We hold the deep core of kindness, compassion, love and forgiveness at our heart.


It is important to me that Sacred Sister Gathering has at its heart an attitude of inclusivity, welcoming, non-judgement and non-discrimination. I am a work in progress in my deep understanding around cultural diversity. I used to think it was enough that I hold everyone in the same respect and love, but I know that this is not the case. The cultural landscape is ever changing so any suggestions as to how I might make this work and the spaces I create more inclusive and diverse are always welcome

What I can be certain of and assure you of is that every event I hold as myself or as Sacred Sister Gathering, will always be inclusive of all women of every faith and inclination: including maids, mothers, wise women and crones, cis women, gay women, straight women, bi women and queer women, women of colour, women who couldn’t care less; young women over 18 and women who also happen to be post operative transsexuals.

We will try where possible, to accommodate women with disabilities if the space we are creating in allows, and I will always look to make sure that this is the case.

Please reach out to talk through your requirements.

If women remember that once upon a time we sang with the tongues of seals and flew with the wings of swans, that we forged our own paths through the dark forest while creating a community of its many inhabitants, then we will rise rooted, like the trees.
— Sharon Blackie - If women Rose Rooted